Tuesday 25 August 2015

Nutritional Immunology

Today I'd like to share about my believe and passion - Nutritional Immunology.

What is Nutritional Immunology?

Nutritional immunology studies the link between nutrition and the immune system. 

It advocates prevention over cure. Our body's immune system is the best doctor.

It is a highly relevant science that revolves around the fundamental desire of human beings to fight diseases and live longer.

With proper nourishment, our immune system is able to build up strong defense against diseases like cancer, diabetes and influenza. 
Through the production of 'immune soldiers', such as macrophages, B and T white blood cells, our immune system is well-maintained. The only indication of our immune system being compromised is when we fall sick.

Like the engine of a car, our immune system requires sufficient fuel for it to always be in peak performance.
An appropriate and adequate supply of disease-preventing nutrients like antioxidants, phytochemicals and polysaccharides gives us the nourishment needed to protect our body from daily viral bacterial and other dangerous threats.

Who is the best doctor in the world?

The body is its best doctor. A healthy immune system defends, cleanses and repairs. 

If we protect and strengthen the immune system through proper nourishment, it will enable cells to be repaired and revitalised. Only then will the functions of the body's organs be optimally restored and this ensures overall good health.

According to research, besides basic nutrition, there are three other types of nutrients that the immune system needs for improving its capabilities.
- Phytochemicals
- Antioxidants
- Polysaccharides

With accurate Nutritional Immunology knowledge, balanced and pure nutrition intake, good emotional health and adequate rest, we can prevent and greatly reduce the occurrence of illnesses.

The quality of our health is the result of what we eat! 

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