Saturday 10 October 2015

Infant recovered from fever in one day

I have heard stories from many mummies that their kid fall sick after vaccination jabs.


From their accounts, typically their kids take a few days to get well. In the process, sometimes the mummies themselves fall sick too.

This made me worried because my daughter was due for her 3 months old vaccination on 06 Oct 2015, which includes 2 jabs.

1) 5-in-1 : Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliovirus, Haemophilus influenza type B.
2) Pneumococcal

In preparation for the vaccination on 06 Oct, I started to up my own immunity via taking Nutriact and Millennium daily from 04 Oct. The antibodies will be passed from me to my baby via breast milk.

The following is the chronological description of events.

06 Oct morning
As usual, my girl is very chatty and happy. She likes to move her arms and kick her legs.
She poops regularly as well.

06 Oct 11am
Took 2 vaccination jabs.
She started to become very quiet and slept on the way home from the clinic.

06 Oct 12 noon
Reached home. She drank some breast milk (bm) then fell asleep.
Temperature 36.8C.

06 Oct 4pm
She woke up. Fed her bm. Usually she will fidget and try to talk when feeding.
But this time she was quiet. Her arms and legs felt limp. I think she felt very tired and weak.
No poop.
She went back to sleep.

06 Oct 6pm
She woke up. Fed her bm. Her body felt warmer than normal.
She was still quiet and weak. Went back to sleep.
No poop.

06 Oct 9pm
She woke up. Direct latch her so that she gets the freshest bm. At the same time, my body can react by giving her the most appropriate antibodies.
No poop for 9 hours by now!!
Temperature 37.9C!!

07 Oct 2am
Woke her up because she slept for very long.
Mixed Millenium in the breast milk and bottle fed her. Millenium contains fiber from cactus plant. Millennium strengthens the immunity as well.
She went back to sleep.
No poop.

07 Oct 4am
Direct latch again.
Temperature REDUCED to 37.4C!!

07 Oct 6am
Mixed Millenium in the breast milk and bottle fed her.
Poop explosion!!! After 18 hours she pooped finally, and pooped a lot!

07 Oct 8am
She woke up smiling and started "chatting" with me again.
Mixed Millenium in the breast milk and bottle fed her. She slept again.
Temperature REDUCED to 37.1C!!

After that, she pooped normally and temperature went back to normal.
She smiles and laughs happily after getting well.

I'm very happy that with the help of Millenium and Nutriact, my 3 month old baby was able to fight fever WITHOUT ANY MEDICATION and WITHOUT SPONGING.

I did not sleep much through the night as well. I'm thankful that I did not fall sick as well.

There is no secret to good health. Just knowledge of suitable nutrition to nourish our own immune system to fight germs.

I hope to be able to share with you the science of Nutritional immunology. Feel free to contact me for a COMPLIMENTARY sharing about this science.

Ee Ting

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