Thursday 1 October 2015

A Mother's Pride

Just when you think that you cannot love anyone more than your husband or yourself, here comes along a little crying but terribly cute creature after a 16 hour labor.

My daughter... 

At birth

Hi World. 

Mummy I can blow bubbles!! 

At 1 month old

Hello Mummy, I'm 1 month old. Confinement aunty says I'm a big girl now.

At 2 months old

This is an interesting world. I want to know what's this and what's that. 
There is this thing that mummy calls her iphone and she keep looking at it. I can see myself in it! 

At 3 months old

Ehhh. I'm 3 months old now? 

My little girl is my pride and my joy. My little happy pill. Mummy wish you will grow up happy and healthy.
<3 <3

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