Saturday 3 October 2015

Weight Management Pre-post Pregnancy

Hello. This is me! Pre- and post pregnancy.

Weight loss was pretty fast and easy. There is no secret to losing weight. It is just a simple control of calories intake and increase in calories burnt. To achieve this, these are a few tips.

1) Control calories intake - Food intake
During confinement, it is important to nourish the body well. Hence, I ate a lot of rice and whatever my confinement lady cooked. After confinement, I cut down on rice intake, and occasionally switched to eating coarse rice instead. Meals continued to be home-cooked so that I can control the amount of oil and sauce used.

2) Control calories intake - Increased fibre
Fibre increases satiety and prevents absorption of oil and fats in the intestine. My source of fibre comes from I-shape lite, coarse grain rice, and increased consumption of the stem part of vegetables in daily meals.

3) Increase calories burnt - Increase metabolism and maintaining muscle mass
I take lean proteins from soy, from I-shape daily as breakfast. This helps maintain lean muscle mass. I-shape also contains American ginseng to help increase metabolism.

4) Increase calories burnt - Exercise
Since giving birth, I have not returned to the gym or restarted yoga. All I do now is taking care of my baby, carrying her and doing housework. Housework appears to be simple but actually it is very tiring.

5) Increase calories burnt - Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is one of the easiest way to burnt calories. My kid has been solely on breast milk since birth. Till date it is already about 3 months.

In addition .....

After delivery, there is a lot of excess skin at the tummy area. It is important for the body to have sufficient collagen so that the skin shrinks beautifully. Many collagen products in the market are from animal source. Some are chemically created. There is no guarantee whether the products are compatible with breastfeeding.

As such, I chose to take Oxyginberry capsules. It contains 6 wholesome organic fruits very high amounts of antioxidants and phytochemicals. This triggers the body to produce collagen by herself.

Since it is wholesome, without added chemicals or added preservatives, it is very safe for consumption during breastfeeding.

Since also the body can produce collagen by herself, excess skin at the tummy area can shrink nicely back to shape. Not to mention, there are no stretch marks as well!

If you wish to find out more about food nutrition suitable for pregnant and lactating ladies, feel free to contact me at, for a COMPLIMENTARY consultation.


Ee Ting
Health speaker

Additional information on I-shape

Additional information on Oxyginberry

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