Saturday 3 September 2016

Are you eating Farmed Salmon?

Salmon has been well-known for the health benefits, largely because of the omega-3 present in salmon.

- Cardiovascular benefits
- Prevents degenerative eye-related problems
- Improves brain-related functions like memory
- Decreases risk of certain cancers

However are all types of Salmon good?
Are you eating Farmed salmon or Wild salmon?

Source :

There is no doubt that salmon is food for your health.
But farmed fishes are higher in contaminants and even flame-retardants.

When salmon are raised in pens, nutritional value plunges.

In addition to farmed salmon, genetically modified salmon are on the horizon too. So always opt for wild salmon.

Are there safer and easily available sources of omega-3?

In the plant family, an equally good source of omega-3 comes from chia seeds and kiwi seeds.

These 2 seeds, are conveniently, organically and safely available in Oseed.

Contact me to try Oseed today! 

Ee Ting
Health trainer / speaker

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