Sunday 18 September 2016

Stringent Tests carried out at Raw Material level, and at Product level


This post is primarily catered for people who are interested in healthy and safe foods.

Let us explore what is considered "Healthy" and "Safe".


Are Organic foods healthier?

There is a perception that organic foods are healthier. However based on Wikipedia, there is difficulty in confirming these claimed benefits scientifically.

Are home-cooked food / self-prepared food healthier?

It depends on how the food is processed.
If you are cooking the vegetables, some temperature-sensitive nutrients will be destroyed.
If you add too much seasonings like Oyster sauce, or MSG, there may be excessive amounts of salt, which may lead to hypertension.

Contrast this with freeze dried foods such as Vegecolor. Read more here!


Are organic foods definitely safe?

According to Wikipedia, "there is no sufficient evidence in medical literature to support claims that organic food is safer or healthier than conventionally grown food."

Are there other options in the market?


- Non-genetically modified food.
- Foods grown to a suitable age for optimized nutrition.
- Stringent tests carried out at raw foods level, and at Product level.
- Specific packaging technology to ensure no loss of nutrients.

To find out more about this safe and healthy food source, contact me.

Ee Ting
Health Trainer / Speaker

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