Monday 7 September 2015

Is Cow's Milk really good for you?

"Drink milk! It is good for your bones!"
"Drink milk!, Good source of calcium!"

Have you heard of these phrases? Do you think this is the truth?

I have always been drinking milk since young. I had always believed in the goodness of cow's milk. However in recent years, I start to realise that I may be wrong.

Drinking cow's milk increases risk of osteoperosis!

Breastfeeding mums who drink milk may cause their baby to display colic-like symptoms, eczema, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea (including bloody diarrhea), constipation, hives, and/or a stuffy, itchy nose if the baby is sensitive to the antibodies in cow's milk.

(Extracted from

Many scientific studies have shown an assortment of detrimental health effects directly linked to milk consumption. And the most surprising link is that not only do we barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk (especially if pasteurized), but to make matters worse, it actually increases calcium loss from the bones. What an irony this is!
Here’s how it happens. Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. You see, calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is – you guessed it… in the bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit.
Knowing this, you’ll understand why statistics show that countries with the lowest consumption of dairy products also have the lowest fracture incidence in their population.
Also, each mammalian species has its own “designer” milk, and cow’s milk is no exception. For example, cow’s milk contains on average three times the amount of protein than human milk which creates metabolic disturbances in humans that have detrimental bone health consequences.

(Extracted from

Sensitivity to cow’s milk proteins

Breastfed babies who are sensitive to dairy in mom’s diet are sensitive to specific cow’s milk antibodies, in the form of proteins (not lactose), which pass into the mother’s milk. Cow’s milk (either in the mother’s diet or engineered into formula) is a common source of food sensitivity in babies. Cow’s milk sensitivity or allergy can cause colic-like symptoms, eczema, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea (including bloody diarrhea), constipation, hives, and/or a stuffy, itchy nose.
If your baby is sensitive to dairy in your diet, it will not help to switch to lactose-free dairy products. The problem is the cow’s milk proteins, not the lactose. Cooking dairy products may reduce but will not eliminate the allergens.

One Possible Solution

Take organic, preservative-free, non-GMO soy milk!
Sounds very difficult to find such product? Very expensive?

Not really. These are affordable choices.

Nutrifresh - cost <$2 a day!


Feel free to contact me if you are interested to know more.

Ee Ting

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