Thursday 17 September 2015

Genetic therapy vs Back to basics

Hello! I was reading up on some interesting articles and would like to share with you my thoughts.

In the past, our ancestors (ok at least my ancestors LOL) were poor and ate mainly plant food, such as rice, potato, vegetables. They worked hard for a living, very often in manual jobs. They slept early because they are too tired after a day’s work. My grandmother, for example, lived till a ripe 99 years old.

Fast forward to the society today. People are generally more affluent. We eat more junk food everyday compared to our ancestors. We work hard, so hard that many people are over-stressed. Many of us have desk-bound jobs as well. With the invention of light bulbs and the internet, few people sleep early these days. These days, we hear of more and more people suffering from illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes…

It appears that 1) easy availability of junk food, 2) stress, 3) lack of exercise and 4) lack of sleep contributes to the increase in diseases in the current population. So with more diseases to tackle, scientists try to find more cures.

DNA profiling / Sequencing

I used to hear only about DNA profiling, and DNA sequencing.  DNA profiling determines the likelihood that genetic material came from a particular individual or group. DNA sequencing aims to find out the ACGT sequence of the DNA. In other words, find out the genetic identity of the organism. What does this mean in lay man’s terms?
Let me give you an example - Hair colour. By reading the person’s DNA sequencing information, you will know the hair color of the person, even without seeing the person before. You will also know the likelihood of the person getting cancer in his lifetime.
Ooh, amazing right?

Gene editing

Today I read another article from Wall Street Journal. It looks like scientists have a breakthrough. They are able to edit your genes. In other words, snip off undesirable DNA sections, and replace with desirable ones. It looks like scientists are excited about this. Because it means there will be more treatment for diseases soon.
But. Does this sound like playing god? What do you think?

Reference :

Back to basics

Many exciting new developments in the medical / research field. Many treatments for diseases are coming up. Do you feel happy about it?
For me, I just think, is it better that we all go back to basics, lead a simple and healthy lifestyle like what our ancestors have done?

1) Eat healthily – eat more and a larger variety of plant-based food.
2) Exercise more – such as take 10,000 steps a day
3) Balanced emotions and control stress
4) Sleep early – before 11pm daily

To me, this could be the cheapest and simplest way to gain good health and live till a happy and ripe old age. At least to me, this method is way better than chasing after new technology and finding new solutions to problems. Prevent bad health via the above 4 simple habits.

What do you think?

Ee Ting

Reference :

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