Friday 8 May 2020

Healthy Dalgona-Style Beverage!

Dalgona coffee : It's quite a craze now!!!!

I looked at so many of their youtube recipes... and realize one commonality. All of them requires quite a lot of sugar to be added, and animal milk is required. 😓

I have always known that cow's milk is related to Osteoporosis, hence do not wish to use milk.

After several failed attempts, let me share with you my version of Healthier Dalgona-style beverage. Still enjoy very yummy beverage with healthier ingredients and no sugar added!


Why did I choose to use Soy Milk instead? 

The reason is because of the high Protein content of Soy. Whole soybean contains 12 times the protein of milk, 4 times of eggs and 2 times of meat. Now you know why bodybuilders drink Soy Shakes? 

Do you know that our immune system needs Quality Proteins daily?

Proteins are used by all parts of our body, down to the cells. 


You can also watch the youtube video here.

Or you can watch it directly in YouTube!

Try it and let me know your feedback!

Ee Ting
Your Lifestyle Coach

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