Tuesday 26 May 2020

Rainbow Sushi

Many a times, it is not easy to feed children with vegetables. Even if they eat the vegetables, it will only be that few types that they like only.

For example for my kid, she likes cucumber, cauliflower and sometimes carrot.

However, I know that that little bit of vegetables is not sufficient for her! She needs a large variety of vegetables to keep her bowels healthy, and also to boost her immune system.

Very thankful, I found Vegecolor. One sachet contains 28 different freeze-dried vegetables! This means she will get the vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals from all these 28 different vegetables.

Hence I always think of different ways to ensure my girl eats her Vegecolor. Making rainbow sushi is one easy way and she loves it!

Just mix a packet of Vegecolor into the rice and mix.

Once you learn the basics of rolling sushi, you can roll the sushi whichever way your family likes it.

Check out the simple recipe here.

You can also view this in my YouTube channel!

Ee Ting
Your Lifestyle Coach

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