Sunday 3 May 2020

Mothers Day 2020


10th May 2020 will be Mothers' Day this year. This year is special. It's Circuit Breaker period, and non-essential businesses are closed. Gift shops might be closed too.

For me, no gifts can be more precious than the gift of Health to our loved ones.

When we were babies, our parents take care of us, losing sleep, somethings over exerting their bodies and health so that we get the best. 

When we were studying, our parents spend time to teach us, sometimes even investing in tutors for us, just so that we do well in school to graduate with a good degree. 

When we start to date, parents hope to see that we are dating someone to truly loves us and take care of us for our lives. 

When we have kids, parents do not decline to help take care of our kids, so that we can concentrate on our careers and dreams. 

For all that they have done, it is best to show our gratitude by taking good care of their Health.

This can be conveniently done through Healthy Wholesome Food.

For me, my Aunt brought me up. I owe it to her for most of the things that I have today. She used to be limping due to old age knee cap issues. She used to feel lethargic and have to sit down often when walking.

It has been years of nourishment, and I do not intend to stop. It's just happiness to see her living her life without old-age pain, and being able to go out to enjoy her life. 😍

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Yours Sincerely,
Ee Ting
Your Lifestyle Coach

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